Act 30 of 67: Smiles for Little Fighters

In December 2014 we made contact with Katrin at Little Fighters Cancer Trust. They are a non-profit organization that assists kids with severe cancer. The trusts sees to over 300 children in various cancer wards.

As our act of kindness we purchased Christmas gifts for all the children. The kids were unfortunately too weak for us to visit them and for some it could have been their last Christmas on earth. Our act was for each of the Silver Linings members to buy a Christmas present for one of the kids.

The Little Fighters Cancer Trust was conceptualised in 2009 when Tania Goslett and Thomas Engela became personally, but indirectly, affected by Childhood Cancer. 

Within a span of two months, two children from two different families within their personal circle of friends, was diagnosed with cancer. 

Offering as much assistance as they could in their private capacity, it was soon clear that there are many families affected by Childhood Cancer and many needs which is not being addressed by the existing systems. 

The first step to formalise the Trust as a legal entity was made in 2010. The registration of the Trust as an NPO and PBO followed. The initial aim was to assist Children with Cancer in the Drakenstein area, which is where they live and from where the Trust operates. 

However, soon families from right across South Africa came to hear about this small but active and truly unique organization, and requests for assistance flooded in from all nine provinces. 

Never making any promises, bar one, which is that we will do whatever is within our means and ability to assist with, the Little Fighters Cancer Trust is now a fully-fledged National Childhood Cancer Support Organization. 

The assistance to Children with Cancer is not only extended via the Family unit, but we also offer support to Children with Cancer and Parents in Paediatric Oncology Hospital Wards, as well as Places of Safety which houses Children with Cancer.

Within a short span of time, the Little Fighters Cancer Trust has grown tremendously, and during the 2012 financial year, reached just under 800 Children with Cancer from across South Africa, with some form of support.

To find out how you can get involved please visit them on :


